Steve & Kerri Deitsch are Privileged to Work With the South Florida Community
The entire Deitsch & Deitsch law firm family considers it a privilege to provide legal counsel and representation to Florida families seeking Justice after accidents, injuries and hurricane-related or other property damage.
Simply put, we believe that our combination of experience, success, personality, and passionate commitment to beating Big Insurance on behalf of “the little guy”…makes our little “boutique law firm” among the best in Florida at securing fair, fast, full payment of your covered insurance claims.
As working parents raising four children while building a successful law practice in Palm Beach County, Kerri and Steve Deitsch have planted deep roots in their South Florida community. They care deeply about giving back to that community and demonstrate their commitment in a variety of ways.
With a combined 40+ years of law school and law practice experience, we’ve learned the importance and power of the written word, of literacy. We’ve also seen firsthand the challenges and problems that illiteracy can and does cause in the community. That’s why Deitsch & Deitsch have been and will continue to be involved in a variety of community empowerment programs promoting literacy.
Deitsch & Deitsch lawyers enthusiastically participate in the national “Read for the Record” program. This involves thousands of books being read aloud to classrooms full of children simultaneously at sites around the country; then engaging in Q&A, interactive enrichment discussion, and linkup with other classrooms, literacy efforts and reading programs nationwide.
And when time and schedules allow, our attorneys are always eager to give of their time by making educational pro bono community presentations. The truly community-spirited firm also has lawyers make appearances on South Florida foreign language radio stations, educating community members and explaining laws that apply to their everyday lives – such as when Florida passed and then changed its PIP mandatory auto insurance law covering uninsured motorists who are victims in motor vehicle accidents.